A small group of 5 to 7 females and one male provide the best opportunity for breeding. The fry remain in the female's mouth for 12 to 18 days before being released. Matriarchal in family structure, the female first lays up to 60 eggs, which she then scoops into her mouth where they are fertilized. Tank Mate Compatibility: Other Mbuna Cichlids and Cuckoo Catfish. Despite the naming, these Mbunas are lively but with their bright yellow color and their attitude. The zebra stripes also are not easily seen in many specimens. In captivity, males are orange and females. Aquarium kept Red Zebras are yellow whereas they are more red when found in the wild. They don’t always display the stripes either. Despite their name, Red Zebra Cichlid they aren’t always red. They are endemic to Lake Malawi, and they can be found along the eastern coast of the lake. Belonging to the zebra complex of the mbuna. Males in the wild are blue or pinkish while females are dark orange or red. Red Zebra Cichlids ( Maylandia Estherae) are beautiful rock dwelling African Cichlid species. Most members of the mouth brooding variety of African Cichlids are easily bred while in the aquarium if given the proper tank set-up and excellent water conditions. Maylandia estherae, the red zebra cichlid, is what my former colleagues and I would consider a punchy fish. A bully by nature, without plenty of room, pyramids, rocks and crevasses to establish territory, Red Zebra will torment other tank mates. Metriaclima estheraeis a Mbuna Cichlid, and is also called the Zebra Cichlid, Tilapia Zebra, and the False Zebra Mbuna. It does not have notable stripes like other varieties of this genus and species. The Red Zebra, although appearing more of a yellow color, is often a brilliant red in the wild. One male kept with 5-7 females provides the best chances for these mouthbrooders to display their matriarchal family behaviors.The Red Zebra African Cichlid, Metriaclima estherae, is known by a plethora of other names, often based on color. Once the territory and dominance have been established, Red Zebras are quite easy to breed. Metriaclima estheraeis a Mbuna Cichlid, and is also called the Zebra Cichlid. Maylandia estherae (the Red Zebra mbuna, Red Zebra Cichlid, or Esther Grants Zebra) is a haplochromine cichlid.It is a rock dwelling fish or mbuna from Lake Malawi. Using smooth pebbles as substrate is a fantastic choice for a Red Zebra tank, as they will rearrange your carefully thought out aquascape to their liking as they establish themselves. It does not have notable stripes like other varieties of this genus and species. Rusties are nice cichlids, but they are brown with purple hues. chances are low of cross breeding with yellows and they are a very active addition to any tank. These fish can be kept with Synodontis catfish and, of course, other Red Zebras. rustys look more reddish than a red zebra and they are a very docile non territorial mbuna. Red Zebra Mbuna Cichlid (Estherae) and over 2000 species on stock with 24 hours express delivery to your. They require rocky surroundings in their tanks, with plenty of places for the less dominant fish to hide, as Red Zebras are moderately agressive and will establish territory with a pecking order. This red zebra has been loitering around in the tank for a while and I thought it was about time he got his own showcase video.The red zebra is a medium to l. Buy fish, corals and inverts online for your tank. Red Zebras can grow up 5 inches long and live for 10-12 years if properly cared for.Īs representatives of the mbuna cichlid family, Red Zebras like an aquarium of 50-75 gallons with a slightly higher pH of 7.6-8.6 and a temperature of at least 78 degrees. The Bumblebee Cichlid (Pseudotropheus crabro) is easier to sex than other species.Lets take a look at the most common mbuna species: Still, there are some. Red Zebras are a beautiful orange-red color with faint traces of blue on their scales and yellow spots freckling their dorsal and anal fins unlike most other mbuna, the females usually display richer colors than the males. Metriaclima estherae is a Mbuna Cichlid, and is also called the Zebra Cichlid. Also known as the Orange Zebra Cichlid, this fish is one of the most commonly kept specimens of the mbuna (rock dwelling) cichlid family due to its bright coloration and classic African cichlid personality. It does not have notable stripes like other varieties of this genus and species. We at Centreville Aquarium have our vision set on the Eastern African Lake Malawi, home to our May Fish of the Month: the Red Zebra Cichlid(Metriaclima estherae). The warmer weather that we have all been waiting for is finally here, bringing visions of days spent by the lake.