Methods of building and packaging Unreal projects that utilise a graphical interface will not work inside containers. The built container images can also be deployed and scaled with standard container orchestration technologies, allowing developers to comply with existing best practices for running containerised applications. These workflows can also be extended to produce container images that can then be used to run packaged Unreal projects in the cloud, facilitating other use cases such as cloud rendering and building microservices powered by the Unreal Engine. These environments can be used with any existing CI system that supports containers, allowing developers to utilise their preferred infrastructure and leverage existing CI/CD workflows.

One of the most common uses of Unreal Engine containers is to provide reproducible environments within which automated builds of Unreal projects and plugins can be performed. Building runtime container images for deployment.Using third-party infrastructure and abstractions.Using the tools that ship with the Engine.Environments configured for running containers for each applicable host platform.An Unreal Engine development image with support for for the desired target platform(s).